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Today’s New Thing – Slides in WordPress

As I am getting older, my goal is to learn at least one new thing a day.  No one wants to be a dinosaur or obsolete.  Frankly, it's harder to find work that way when your skills are out of date. So, today's new thing was creating a slideshow in WordPress to dress up the [...]

I feel I have a handle on WordPress

Once I started using the TwentyXS template and some left and right column HTML or images widgets, this web page came together in two days!  It still needs some tweeks and additions.   What took me so long was the logo.  That was a year project in the making!  After all, I'm a bookkeeper and [...]

I’m Learning WordPress

Ugh!  I think I Joombla better.  It seems easier to customize the template. I wish I could add three columns AND my new header banner.  There are three columns but it doesn't add the header as easy.  Further, I can add some some small HTML items and add it to either the top, left or [...]